Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Words are Powerful

Something as simple as a single word can have a dramatic effect on people. There are many words that can be very powerful, like freedom, curse words, or words pertaining to death, such as murder, or cancer. These words can conjure up strong emotions in those who hear them.
I read an example where a few strong words were used a few weeks ago in the Trentonian, a newspaper that I am not too fond of. A middle-aged man committed suicide by jumping into a flatbed truck on I-95. Reading this stirred up many emotions for me, it is never easy hearing about suicide, especially when it is close to home. What made it worse was the way that The Trentonian reported the news. The title to the article was Road Kill, which I found extremely distasteful. They also went into gruesome details about body parts that were located around the accident. I feel that this is a great example of a time when the media used strong words in an inappropriate manor. Times when I use strong words would be with my family or with my girlfriend to show affection. “I love you” is a very strong set of words and I like to use those words to show the people closest in my life how I feel about them. Times when I would avoid using strong words, such as curse words, would be when I’m around adults or at a job interview. I’m not going to lie; when I am around my friends I tend to use some explicit language that might offend some. This is why I only use this language around my friends, who know not to take my language to heart.

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