Thursday, November 11, 2010

Self Disclosure and Social Networking

             After reading the online article Social networking: Are we revealing too much? I took a long hard look at my facebook account. It is scary to think that some people can use my facebook in negative ways. Whether to spread rumors about me or to even go as far as to break into my house. Both examples used in the article were frightening to me. Maureen Paperella was robbed of about $10,000 worth of valuables all because she accepted a friend request from someone that she did not know very well. This person could see find her address on Maureen’s facebook page and when Maureen posted about a time when she was going to be out of her house, the “friend” robbed her house. I do not post very often but I can remember times posting about how I was going on vacation and I see now how that was a mistake. I do not know every friend on my facebook as well as I should and one of them could have robbed me blind.
             This article has also made me go over my list of friends on my account. I do not know everyone personally and probably should be more careful. From now on if I receive a friend request from someone that I do not know I will decline the request. Just recently I got a friend request from a girl that I had never met before but not thinking much of it, I accepted the request. This girl turned out to be a very strange person who then requested all of my friends and wrote inappropriate comments on my wall. This cause many problems for me and I had to block her.
            Face to face interactions are very different from online interactions are. When people are face to face they usually sensor what they say, they may think of a mean comment or inappropriate phrase but will normally keep it to themselves. Having the feeling of anonymity gives people more courage to say things that they normally would not in a face-to-face interaction. Also, people have a longer time to think about their response when online. When face-to-face, there isn’t much time to think, you just have to say what first comes to mind. 

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