Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Technology and Interpersonal Communication

When people are online there are four different ways to present themselves.  The first assumption is that the computer screen can deceive. This assumption deals with how people can show themselves differently than how they look in person. On my facebook account, for example, I only have two pictures and both of them are over two years old so someone looking at my facebook might be surprised if they saw me face to face. Many people on facebook will post pictures of themselves in flattering angles and look completely different in person, which is deceitful. The second assumption is that online discussions often prompt introspection. If I message a friend online, I have the ability to stop and think about what I am going to say to them as opposed to a face to face interaction. Sometimes my friends and I will make fun of each other on facebook just as a joke and since I am not directly in front of my friend, I have the time to think of a witty quip. The third assumption is that online discussions promote self-orientation. For example, my facebook is mine, and set up to show my personality. I choose what to put on my account, my favorite bands and movies, what friends I can accept, and what posts I want to show. The fourth and last assumption states that self-disclosure occurs online. This means that people can decide what information can be seen or hidden online. On my facebook account I hide almost all of my information from people who are not my friends, including my email address, where I live, my phone number, etc.

Other concepts include Screen names and email addresses. An email address can say a lot about a person and if that person is applying for a job and the employer sees that their email address is vulgar or offensive, they probably wont hire that person.
Enhancing your educational accessibility. The Internet has made it possible to search through millions of sources in just a click of a button. If I ever need to search for sources for a paper, I search online. This makes the process of finding information and sources so much faster.
Privacy sacrificed. Facebook is a great example of this. When someone signs up for facebook they reveal personal information and the rest of the world can find it, so it is very important to be cautious when revealing information on the Internet.
Abbreviated language. The Internet and texting has given birth to a new language. People know use words like “lol” and “brb” on a daily basis.
Write literally. Many things on the Internet can be misconstrued so it is very important to write literally on the Internet so you are not misunderstood.

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